Liquid Measurement Conversion Tables

Use the tables and tools below as a quick reference for common liquid conversions.

Liquid Unit Conversion Table

  Minim Drams Ounces Gills CC / mL Liters
1 Dram = 60 1 0.125 0.03125 3.6966 0.004
1 Ounce = 480 8 1 0.25 29.573 0.03
1 mL = 16.231 0.271 0.0338 0.0084 1 0.001
1 Liter = 16231.1 270.52 33.815 8.4536 1000 1
1 Pint = 7680 128 16 4 473.17 0.473
1 Imperial Pint = - - 19.21 4.803 568.1 0.568
1 Quart = - - 32 8 946.33 0.946
1 Imperial Quart = - - 38.43 9.607 1136.49 1.137
1 Gallon = - - 128 32 3785.33 3.785
1 Imperial Gallon = - - 153.72 38.430 4545.95 4.546
1 Gill = 1920 32 4 1 118.29 0.118

1 Gallon = 4 Quarts = 8 Pints = 16 Cups = 128 Ounces

Milliliters to Ounces

CC to Ounces

Drams to Ounces

5 mL = 0.1691 oz
10 mL = 0.3381 oz
15 mL = 0.5072 oz
30 mL = 1.0143 oz
50 mL = 1.6905 oz
15 CC = 0.5072 oz
30 CC = 1.0143 oz
60 CC = 2.0286 oz
120 CC = 4.0572 oz
250 CC = 8.4525 oz
950 CC = 32.120 oz
2500 CC = 84.525 oz
5/8 Dram = 0.078 oz (2.6 ml)
1/2 Dram = 1/16 oz
1 Dram = 1/8 oz (3.75ml)
2 Dram = 1/4 oz
3 Dram = 3/8 oz
4 Dram = 1/2 oz
6 Dram = 3/4 oz
8 Dram = 1 oz

Milliliters to Ounces

5 mL = 0.1691 oz
10 mL = 0.3381 oz
15 mL = 0.5072 oz
30 mL = 1.0143 oz
50 mL = 1.6905 oz

CC to Ounces

15 CC = 0.5072 oz
30 CC = 1.0143 oz
60 CC = 2.0286 oz
120 CC = 4.0572 oz
250 CC = 8.4525 oz
950 CC = 32.120 oz
2500 CC = 84.525 oz

Drams to Ounces

5/8 Dram = 0.078 oz (2.6 ml)
1/2 Dram = 1/16 oz
1 Dram = 1/8 oz (3.75ml)
2 Dram = 1/4 oz
3 Dram = 3/8 oz
4 Dram = 1/2 oz
6 Dram = 3/4 oz
8 Dram = 1 oz

Liquid Unit Conversion Tools

To convert ounces (oz) to milliliters (mL or CC), or milliliters to ounces, enter the known measurement into the corresponding box below and click the Convert button to view the equivalent value in the opposite box.





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